Accessible Site Web Site is fully compatible with Accessibility Standards ...

In order to meet the needs of users who have a visual deficiency or obstruction in the website of,

  • Users have an easy interaction with items such as text boxes and radio buttons in the form.
  • The user has the ability to change the font used in the content on the site.
  • Use page header elements to specify page headers during the construction of content on the site. *For example; Within the HTML, H2 refers to the subdivision of H1.
  • The basic language used for content on the site is fully and clearly understood.
  • The goal of each link is explicitly stated, and link texts are given to allow the user to understand the destination of the link.
  • Columns and row headings are clearly specified for the tables used in the site.
  • The use of moving content on the site has been avoided, allowing the user to freeze moving content when used. For example, slider etc. In the areas, you can stop the passage with the keyboard or mouse and move to the next content.
  • Difficult color combinations (red and green) are not preferred